1. | | Spirit (MySQL Online Schema Change) (cash.app) | |
12 points by morgo on Oct 24, 2023 | past
2. | | MySQL Group Replication: It’s in 5.7.17 GA (mysqlhighavailability.com) | |
4 points by morgo on Dec 12, 2016 | past | 1 comment
3. | | MySQL 5.7 will considerably improve defaults (mysqlserverteam.com) | |
1 point by morgo on July 22, 2015 | past
4. | | MySQL is 20 years old tomorrow (wikipedia.org) | |
1 point by morgo on May 22, 2015 | past
5. | | MySQL 5.7 Release Candidate Announced (mysqlserverteam.com) | |
1 point by morgo on April 9, 2015 | past
6. | | The slow decline of using MySQL read slaves (tocker.ca) | |
1 point by morgo on Oct 28, 2013 | past
7. | | What MySQL is really good at (tocker.ca) | |
1 point by morgo on May 8, 2013 | past
8. | | Benchmarking & Prewarming Amazon ELBs (tocker.ca) | |
1 point by morgo on May 1, 2013 | past
9. | | Thoughts on Amazon Offsite Backup (tocker.ca) | |
1 point by morgo on May 1, 2013 | past
10. | | Video: The InnoDB Storage Engine for MySQL | |
1 point by morgo on March 18, 2011 | past | 1 comment
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