1. | | Talking Shop: A long-form critique of Free (dropbox.com) |
2 points by jtaby on June 18, 2015 | past
2. | | Chisel – A collection of LLDB commands to assist debugging iOS apps (github.com/facebook) |
72 points by jtaby on March 6, 2014 | past | 3 comments
3. | | Learning Breadth-First (arigrant.com) |
3 points by jtaby on Feb 10, 2013 | past
4. | | Foresight (jtaby.com) |
25 points by jtaby on Jan 31, 2013 | past
5. | | When The Chasm Comes Back and Hits You In The Face (jtaby.com) |
7 points by jtaby on Dec 30, 2012 | past | 3 comments
6. | | A Tale of Ten Hobbies (jtaby.com) |
3 points by jtaby on May 2, 2012 | past
7. | | A Moment of Clarity in the Pursuit of Happiness (jtaby.com) |
171 points by jtaby on Feb 2, 2012 | past | 73 comments
8. | | How Much Skill Can I Gain in 20 Hours? (jtaby.com) |
13 points by jtaby on Jan 19, 2012 | past
9. | | Confidence of the Mobile Web (jtaby.com) |
1 point by jtaby on Jan 5, 2012 | past
10. | | From the Junk Drawer: The Broken Pixel Theory (jtaby.com) |
1 point by jtaby on Dec 25, 2011 | past
11. | | Design for the Mobile Web’s Ubiquity (jtaby.com) |
14 points by jtaby on Aug 12, 2011 | past
12. | | The easy way to persist objects in Objective-C (alexbw.posterous.com) |
1 point by jtaby on June 28, 2011 | past
13. | | Why I joined Strobe (jtaby.com) |
16 points by jtaby on June 20, 2011 | past
14. | | Google Chrome – Why I Hate It And Continue To Use It (jtaby.com) |
101 points by jtaby on May 31, 2011 | past | 107 comments
15. | | What I Learned From Releasing My First Open Source Project (jtaby.com) |
11 points by jtaby on May 30, 2011 | past
16. | | VimAck: A port of TextMate's Find-in-Project feature for MacVim.app (github.com/jtaby) |
51 points by jtaby on May 29, 2011 | past | 32 comments
17. | | Announcing SproutCore 2.0 Developer Preview (sproutcore.com) |
130 points by jtaby on May 25, 2011 | past | 27 comments
18. | | Where is the web’s Loren Brichter? (tomdale.net) |
21 points by jtaby on May 21, 2011 | past | 8 comments
19. | | Imagine a Beowulf Cluster of JavaScript Frameworks (tomdale.net) |
58 points by jtaby on April 12, 2011 | past | 26 comments
20. | | For version 1.1, SproutCore will migrate to Objective-J (sproutcore.com) |
1 point by jtaby on April 1, 2010 | past
21. | | Elliot Soloway (from UofM), pitching Computer Science to Freshmen. (iTunes U) (deimos3.apple.com) |
8 points by jtaby on Jan 31, 2010 | past | 3 comments