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1. Rfcgpt: The virtual assistant that has read the entire RFC series (cryptography.consulting)
2 points by grittygrease 8 months ago | past
2. The race to save the Internet from quantum hackers (nature.com)
3 points by grittygrease on Feb 10, 2022 | past
3. “Look, Ma, no probes ” – Characterizing CDNs’ latencies with passive measurement (cloudflare.com)
3 points by grittygrease on Oct 15, 2021 | past
4. Going Keyless Everywhere (cloudflare.com)
14 points by grittygrease on Nov 1, 2019 | past
5. Delegated Credentials for TLS (cloudflare.com)
2 points by grittygrease on Nov 1, 2019 | past
6. Announcing cfnts: Cloudflare's Implementation of NTP/NTS in Rust (cloudflare.com)
5 points by grittygrease on Oct 31, 2019 | past
7. Supporting the Latest Version of the Privacy Pass Protocol (cloudflare.com)
2 points by grittygrease on Oct 31, 2019 | past
8. The Cloudflare-Chrome TLS Post-Quantum Experiment (cloudflare.com)
6 points by grittygrease on Oct 31, 2019 | past
9. Cloudflare’s Approach to Research (cloudflare.com)
5 points by grittygrease on Sept 18, 2019 | past
10. Crypto Week 2019 (cloudflare.com)
14 points by grittygrease on June 16, 2019 | past
11. Preventing Request Loops Using CDN-Loop (cloudflare.com)
2 points by grittygrease on March 21, 2019 | past
12. New Tools for Detecting HTTPS Interception (cloudflare.com)
213 points by grittygrease on March 18, 2019 | past | 65 comments
13. A Detailed Look at RFC 8446 (a.k.a. TLS 1.3) (cloudflare.com)
2 points by grittygrease on Aug 13, 2018 | past
14. A Detailed Look at RFC 8446 (a.k.a. TLS 1.3) (cloudflare.com)
18 points by grittygrease on Aug 11, 2018 | past
15. A Tour Through Merkle Town, Cloudflare's Certificate Transparency Dashboard (cloudflare.com)
26 points by grittygrease on March 24, 2018 | past | 4 comments
16. Welcome to Merkle Town (cloudflare.com)
3 points by grittygrease on March 24, 2018 | past
17. Inside the Infamous Mirai IoT Botnet: A Retrospective Analysis (cloudflare.com)
1 point by grittygrease on Dec 14, 2017 | past
18. Geo Key Manager: Broadcast/ID-based encryption for private keys using bn256 (cloudflare.com)
2 points by grittygrease on Oct 5, 2017 | past
19. SIDH in Go for quantum-resistant TLS 1.3 (cloudflare.com)
107 points by grittygrease on Sept 1, 2017 | past | 19 comments
20. SHA-1 Deprecation: No Browser Left Behind (cloudflare.com)
1 point by grittygrease on Dec 10, 2015 | past
21. CloudFlare Enables ChaCha20/Poly1305 for all sites (cloudflare.com)
16 points by grittygrease on Feb 23, 2015 | past | 3 comments
22. Serious OpenSSL vulnerability disclosed, CloudFlare sites safe (cloudflare.com)
2 points by grittygrease on April 7, 2014 | past
23. ECDSA: The digital signature algorithm of a better internet (cloudflare.com)
10 points by grittygrease on March 10, 2014 | past | 1 comment

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