1. | | My Boulder Tech Job Search Journey (gunkyfunky.com) |
1 point by finkin1 on March 29, 2018 | past
2. | | Dear Sam: we need you to lead the fight for net neutrality |
3 points by finkin1 on Nov 21, 2017 | past
3. | | Show HN: Digital agency website – would you hire us? (stratosphere.digital) |
1 point by finkin1 on Feb 13, 2017 | past
4. | | Express Scripts to remove PillPack from its pharmacy network (medium.com/tjparker) |
2 points by finkin1 on April 16, 2016 | past
5. | | Jeremy Guillory's Counter-Complaint against Cruise Automation (drive.google.com) |
334 points by finkin1 on April 15, 2016 | past | 338 comments
6. | | A promo video for my startup that cost $6k (youtube.com) |
7 points by finkin1 on Oct 15, 2014 | past | 3 comments
7. | | Show HN: A side project iOS app that took 5 years [NSFW] (sexlifeapp.cc) |
9 points by finkin1 on July 31, 2014 | past | 8 comments
8. | | [flagged] Fairchild Semiconductor was a trillion-dollar startup in today's dollars (techcrunch.com) |
25 points by finkin1 on July 26, 2014 | past | 11 comments
9. | | Agora’s Lets You Compare Products When You Buy Items Online [Chrome] (addictivetips.com) |
2 points by finkin1 on June 7, 2014 | past
10. | | Show HN: Agora – A Chrome Extension To Enhance Your Online Shopping (agora.sh) |
22 points by finkin1 on May 29, 2014 | past | 27 comments
11. | | DeveloperAuction Rebrands As Hired.com (techcrunch.com) |
5 points by finkin1 on Sept 17, 2013 | past
12. | | Watch DARPA hack a prius (youtube.com) |
6 points by finkin1 on July 25, 2013 | past
13. | | she++: The Documentary (vimeo.com) |
3 points by finkin1 on July 22, 2013 | past
14. | | Those features you’ve been adding to your design are hurting user experience. (uie.com) |
2 points by finkin1 on June 30, 2013 | past
15. | | Ron Paul: I’m worried that the government might kill Edward Snowden with a drone (washingtonexaminer.com) |
20 points by finkin1 on June 12, 2013 | past | 4 comments
16. | | New Leaked Documents Reveal NSA Datamining Program Called "Boundless Informant" (dailypolicyjournal.com) |
17 points by finkin1 on June 8, 2013 | past | 1 comment
17. | | Avocado vs. Couple |
1 point by finkin1 on April 5, 2013 | past
18. | | Should We File a Patent? The Pros and Cons for a Small Software Startup (bagggitdev.blogspot.com) |
3 points by finkin1 on Dec 11, 2012 | past | 2 comments
19. | | Show HN: baggg.it is a new way to collect and share your online shopping (baggg.it) |
3 points by finkin1 on Dec 11, 2012 | past
20. | | Baggg.it is a Wayyy to Baggg and Sharrre Your Online Shoppping (techcrunch.com) |
2 points by finkin1 on Dec 7, 2012 | past
21. | | All Jobs Should Be Dream Jobs (bagggitdev.blogspot.com) |
3 points by finkin1 on Oct 22, 2012 | past | 1 comment
22. | | Interview: Gold, Silver, and Bitcoin (youtube.com) |
2 points by finkin1 on Sept 18, 2012 | past
23. | | BuyLater is evolving (buylater.com) |
2 points by finkin1 on Sept 18, 2012 | past | 1 comment