31. | | 5 Reasons for Flex Developers to consider a Grails / Google App Engine Backend (fbflex.wordpress.com) |
1 point by coglethorpe on May 15, 2009 | past
32. | | Facebook to launch Verified Apps program (venturebeat.com) |
1 point by coglethorpe on May 15, 2009 | past
33. | | New remote process starter module (Erlang) (sunweaver.blogspot.com) |
1 point by coglethorpe on May 15, 2009 | past
34. | | Erlang: Soundex matching (hiveminds.co.uk) |
1 point by coglethorpe on May 15, 2009 | past
35. | | Axum - Ping Pong with Dataflow Networks (codebetter.com) |
1 point by coglethorpe on May 15, 2009 | past
36. | | Scala on Google App Engine (scala-lang.org) |
3 points by coglethorpe on May 14, 2009 | past
37. | | Articles On Ruby’s New Concurrency Feature (rubyinside.com) |
1 point by coglethorpe on May 14, 2009 | past
38. | | Funding Options (rowansimpson.com) |
1 point by coglethorpe on May 14, 2009 | past
39. | | Capitalization of largest banks 1999-2009 (infoproc.blogspot.com) |
4 points by coglethorpe on May 14, 2009 | past | 4 comments
40. | | Data Persistence in GAE with Clojure (fatvat.co.uk) |
22 points by coglethorpe on May 14, 2009 | past
41. | | The Case for Clojure (codetojoy.blogspot.com) |
15 points by coglethorpe on May 14, 2009 | past | 2 comments
42. | | Building Go Test It: Fun with Scala and REST APIs (yes-no-cancel.co.uk) |
4 points by coglethorpe on May 13, 2009 | past
43. | | What would you rather be doing? (chadfowler.com) |
29 points by coglethorpe on May 13, 2009 | past | 31 comments
44. | | Beginning Erlang web development using Yaws on Windows (hiveminds.co.uk) |
7 points by coglethorpe on May 12, 2009 | past | 1 comment
45. | | Twitter Porn Names Scam (pcworld.com) |
45 points by coglethorpe on May 12, 2009 | past | 25 comments
46. | | Want to work in Costa Rica? Do Rails work there. (craigslist.org) |
1 point by coglethorpe on May 12, 2009 | past
47. | | Cold Turkey on Traditional Media (owenmahoney.com) |
1 point by coglethorpe on May 11, 2009 | past | 1 comment
48. | | Lying and Resumes (tigersprepare.blogspot.com) |
1 point by coglethorpe on May 11, 2009 | past
49. | | Best free HTML editors (developersvoice.com) |
1 point by coglethorpe on May 11, 2009 | past
50. | | Clojure on the Google App Engine (fatvat.co.uk) |
41 points by coglethorpe on May 11, 2009 | past | 8 comments
51. | | Fred Wilson on Disruption (avc.com) |
12 points by coglethorpe on May 11, 2009 | past | 1 comment
52. | | Integrating Scala with Erlang -- Initial steps (tinesware.blogspot.com) |
1 point by coglethorpe on May 10, 2009 | past
53. | | Open-source Erlang - White Paper (erlang.org) |
6 points by coglethorpe on May 10, 2009 | past
54. | | Google Tech Talk: Erlang (2007) (adnanwasim.com) |
13 points by coglethorpe on May 8, 2009 | past | 4 comments
55. | | The Paradigm Shift in Web APIs (fuzzyparsing.wordpress.com) |
2 points by coglethorpe on May 8, 2009 | past
56. | | Edge Competencies (bubblegeneration.com) |
1 point by coglethorpe on May 8, 2009 | past
57. | | "Excuse Me" APIs: Why most Facebook apps disappoint (thisisgoingtobebig.com) |
1 point by coglethorpe on May 8, 2009 | past
58. | | Model-View-Controller GUI in Clojure (lifeofaprogrammergeek.blogspot.com) |
20 points by coglethorpe on May 8, 2009 | past
59. | | Fixing Twitter: Improving Performance and Scalability (oreilly.com) |
1 point by coglethorpe on May 8, 2009 | past
60. | | Facebook platform developers could see $500M in revenue this year (venturebeat.com) |
15 points by coglethorpe on May 8, 2009 | past | 4 comments
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