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1. Uber, Data Darwinism, and the Future of Work (gigaom.com)
1 point by bicknergseng on March 18, 2013 | past
2. LinkedIn shutting off Whitetruffle's API access (whitetruffle.com)
1 point by bicknergseng on Oct 31, 2012 | past
3. Silicon Valley Tech Boom inflating rents by $6k/year in Bay Area (gigaom.com)
1 point by bicknergseng on Aug 13, 2012 | past
4. DirecTV CEO Youtube ad: Viacom refusing to sell channels a la carte [youtube] (youtube.com)
2 points by bicknergseng on July 18, 2012 | past
5. Ask HN: Could we replace parts of the financial sector with computers?
2 points by bicknergseng on July 12, 2012 | past | 2 comments
6. Ask HN: Would YC alumni be interested in a get-together with new entrepreneurs?
3 points by bicknergseng on April 6, 2012 | past | 1 comment
7. Kraft to Be Renamed Mondelez After Grocery Unit Is Spun Off (bloomberg.com)
2 points by bicknergseng on March 21, 2012 | past | 1 comment
8. Pay your employees more (newyorker.com)
105 points by bicknergseng on March 19, 2012 | past | 21 comments
9. Stratos 13 Mile Space Jump (redbullstratos.com)
2 points by bicknergseng on March 16, 2012 | past

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