Hacker News new | past | comments | ask | show | jobs | submit | begoon's submissions login
1. A social website to code in the cloud (val.town)
2 points by begoon 28 days ago | past
2. WebSocketStream API (chrome.com)
18 points by begoon 78 days ago | past | 7 comments
3. Les Maîtres Du Temps (wikipedia.org)
1 point by begoon 3 months ago | past
4. JavaScript Registry (jsr.io)
2 points by begoon 5 months ago | past | 1 comment
5. Excel Running Doom (youtube.com)
3 points by begoon 5 months ago | past | 1 comment
6. Herb Sutter and his C++ 2 2023 (youtube.com)
3 points by begoon 6 months ago | past
7. Veracity Version Control System (sourcegear.com)
3 points by begoon 8 months ago | past
8. The State of Web Frameworks on Deno (deno.com)
2 points by begoon 9 months ago | past
9. The ultimate guide to Deno (2022) (medium.com/deno-the-complete-reference)
47 points by begoon 9 months ago | past
10. My collection of Intel 8080 microprocessors (demin.ws)
3 points by begoon 9 months ago | past
11. John Socha, Creator of Norton Commander (wikipedia.org)
15 points by begoon 10 months ago | past | 1 comment
12. HTML Textarea vs. Contenteditable (developer.mozilla.org)
2 points by begoon 10 months ago | past | 2 comments
13. Telegram Bot with SvelteKit and Vercel (github.com/begoon)
2 points by begoon 12 months ago | past
14. Glue multiple applications in Docker container, or a custom reverse proxy in Go (github.com/begoon)
2 points by begoon on May 8, 2023 | past
15. Bazaar Version Control System (canonical.com)
1 point by begoon on April 19, 2023 | past
16. Grid.js: Advanced Table Plugin (gridjs.io)
2 points by begoon on April 5, 2023 | past
17. How to Favicon in 2022: Six files that fit most needs (evilmartians.com)
4 points by begoon on Jan 13, 2023 | past
18. Recommend great Django projects
5 points by begoon on Dec 3, 2022 | past | 3 comments
19. How LiteFS Works (fly.io)
1 point by begoon on Nov 22, 2022 | past
20. Tiniest x86-64-Linux emulator (github.com/jart)
192 points by begoon on Nov 19, 2022 | past | 23 comments
21. Interactive help for Intel 8080 instructions (intel8080.com)
1 point by begoon on Nov 5, 2022 | past
22. The Logfile Navigator (lnav.org)
2 points by begoon on Oct 28, 2022 | past
23. RAID on random USB Sticks (habr.com)
4 points by begoon on Oct 27, 2022 | past | 1 comment
24. Python CLI Tricks That Don't Require Any Code Whatsoever (martinheinz.dev)
2 points by begoon on Oct 21, 2022 | past
25. EmuOS (emupedia.net)
1 point by begoon on Oct 20, 2022 | past
26. Bocker: Docker implemented in around 100 lines of Bash (2015) (github.com/p8952)
315 points by begoon on Oct 15, 2022 | past | 116 comments
27. Uniform eXchange Format (UXF) – plain text human readable typed storage format (github.com/mark-summerfield)
69 points by begoon on Oct 14, 2022 | past | 60 comments
28. Anatomy of Linux Dynamic Libraries (ibm.com)
119 points by begoon on Oct 12, 2022 | past | 16 comments
29. macOS for Web (macos1.vercel.app)
61 points by begoon on Sept 24, 2022 | past | 12 comments
30. The GNU C Reference Manual (gnu.org)
2 points by begoon on Sept 7, 2022 | past | 2 comments

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