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1. Sausages: An Anthology (thelionandunicorn.wordpress.com)
55 points by autokill 80 days ago | past | 7 comments
2. Father, Son and Double Helix (2015) (openthemagazine.com)
8 points by autokill on Jan 27, 2023 | past
3. Wage inequality may be starting to reverse (wsj.com)
23 points by autokill on Dec 31, 2022 | past | 74 comments
4. The Story of a Stare Down (theamericanscholar.org)
10 points by autokill on April 13, 2022 | past
5. Learning Sixteenth-Century Business Jargon (laphamsquarterly.org)
32 points by autokill on Nov 29, 2021 | past | 4 comments
6. A Kind of Packaged Aging Process (theparisreview.org)
21 points by autokill on July 15, 2021 | past | 9 comments
7. Bad Birds in Quarantine (guernicamag.com)
7 points by autokill on March 23, 2021 | past
8. In 1980s Los Angeles, a bank was robbed every hour (2019) (crimereads.com)
256 points by autokill on Dec 22, 2020 | past | 219 comments
9. If the universe is expanding, are we expanding too? (forbes.com/sites/startswithabang)
16 points by autokill on Nov 6, 2020 | past | 18 comments
10. Poor Connections: A long history of videotelephony (cabinetmagazine.org)
41 points by autokill on Sept 11, 2020 | past | 4 comments
11. Jack Tar (aeon.co)
23 points by autokill on April 22, 2020 | past | 3 comments
12. Once More with Feeling (eurozine.com)
10 points by autokill on Jan 25, 2020 | past
13. Thousand year-old windmills in Iran (2017) (longnow.org)
296 points by autokill on Nov 27, 2019 | past | 42 comments
14. If You Build It, the Dutch Will Pedal (2017) (nytimes.com)
41 points by autokill on Oct 29, 2019 | past | 57 comments
15. The myth of the teacher pay gap? (nationalaffairs.com)
144 points by autokill on Oct 1, 2019 | past | 301 comments
16. The ancient world teemed with birds (aeon.co)
152 points by autokill on Sept 13, 2019 | past | 71 comments
17. How Old Is The Shepherd? (2013) (robertkaplinsky.com)
40 points by autokill on July 27, 2019 | past | 22 comments
18. Song of the Rarest Large Whale on Earth Recorded for the First Time (gizmodo.com)
124 points by autokill on June 20, 2019 | past | 37 comments

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