1. | | [video] Jessica McKellar: The Future of Python (ontwik.com) |
1 point by ahmicro on Feb 4, 2014 | past
2. | | Effective Django [video] (ontwik.com) |
2 points by ahmicro on Dec 28, 2013 | past
3. | | Ask HN: Programmers education and journey |
1 point by ahmicro on Dec 21, 2013 | past | 1 comment
4. | | [video]: Brendan Eich: JS Responsibilities (ontwik.com) |
1 point by ahmicro on Dec 14, 2013 | past
5. | | [video] Ruby 2.0, Yukihiro ‘Matz’ Matsumoto at Waza 2013 (ontwik.com) |
3 points by ahmicro on Oct 30, 2013 | past
6. | | Grow Beyond with Google: Guide for Technical Development (docs.google.com) |
3 points by ahmicro on Sept 9, 2013 | past
7. | | [video] Rails Conf 2013 How Shopify Scales Rails (ontwik.com) |
1 point by ahmicro on May 29, 2013 | past
8. | | Objective-C vs. RubyMotion [video] (ontwik.com) |
1 point by ahmicro on Feb 9, 2013 | past
9. | | Why Ruby Again by Matz [video] (ontwik.com) |
1 point by ahmicro on Feb 6, 2013 | past
10. | | [video] Douglas Crockford: Monads and Gonads (ontwik.com) |
3 points by ahmicro on Jan 12, 2013 | past
11. | | Josh Bloch: Java The Good, Bad, and Ugly Parts [video] (ontwik.com) |
1 point by ahmicro on Jan 12, 2013 | past
12. | | The BBC SICP Book Club Group (groups.google.com) |
1 point by ahmicro on Nov 21, 2012 | past
13. | | [video] James Gosling: Robots And Water And Whales, Oh My (ontwik.com) |
2 points by ahmicro on Sept 4, 2012 | past
14. | | Scala Versus Java (video) (ontwik.com) |
3 points by ahmicro on Aug 31, 2012 | past
15. | | [video]: A look at PHP in 2012, by Rasmus Lerdorf (ontwik.com) |
1 point by ahmicro on Aug 4, 2012 | past
16. | | [video] The Myth of the Genius Programmer (ontwik.com) |
1 point by ahmicro on July 14, 2012 | past
17. | | Django generate scaffold (github.com/modocache) |
1 point by ahmicro on May 20, 2012 | past
18. | | GoDjango (godjango.com) |
2 points by ahmicro on Jan 18, 2012 | past
19. | | Crockford On JavaScript – Programming Style & Your Brain (ontwik.com) |
2 points by ahmicro on Jan 7, 2012 | past
20. | | The Law of Leaky Abstractions (joelonsoftware.com) |
2 points by ahmicro on Dec 3, 2011 | past
21. | | The Philosophy of Computer Science (uva.nl) |
107 points by ahmicro on Nov 12, 2011 | past | 14 comments
22. | | Essential Python Reading List (wordaligned.org) |
3 points by ahmicro on Nov 7, 2011 | past
23. | | [video] GitHub Flavored Ruby By Tom Preston-Werner (ontwik.com) |
1 point by ahmicro on Oct 30, 2011 | past
24. | | Ubuntu should zig to Apple’s zag (bytebaker.com) |
236 points by ahmicro on Oct 29, 2011 | past | 172 comments
25. | | Which programming language should I learn? (nickzarr.com) |
1 point by ahmicro on Oct 28, 2011 | past | 1 comment
26. | | Recursive Functions of Symbolic Expressions - John McCarthy (stanford.edu) |
3 points by ahmicro on Oct 24, 2011 | past
27. | | SICP in Python (eecs.berkeley.edu) |
149 points by ahmicro on Oct 21, 2011 | past | 49 comments
28. | | [video] High Wizardry In The Land Of Scala (ontwik.com) |
3 points by ahmicro on Oct 16, 2011 | past
29. | | Building a $36.5 million business with open source software (ibm.com) |
14 points by ahmicro on Oct 10, 2011 | past | 8 comments
30. | | [video] Charles O’Farrell – Scala Introduction (ontwik.com) |
3 points by ahmicro on Oct 6, 2011 | past
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