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1. Aviv Regev: The Revolution in Digital Biology (Interviewed by Eric Topol) (erictopol.substack.com)
6 points by 331c8c71 4 months ago | past
2. A draft human pangenome reference (nature.com)
1 point by 331c8c71 on May 11, 2023 | past
3. Canada's Trudeau says people in China should be allowed to protest (reuters.com)
9 points by 331c8c71 on Dec 5, 2022 | past | 3 comments
4. Anne Morelli: The Basic Principles of War Propaganda (wikipedia.org)
14 points by 331c8c71 on March 23, 2022 | past
5. Katrusya and Marusya – Ukranian propaganda for kids (youtube.com)
2 points by 331c8c71 on March 11, 2022 | past
6. Only US and Ukraine voted against anti-nazi resolution at UN in 2020 (un.org)
8 points by 331c8c71 on March 4, 2022 | past | 12 comments

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