Somehow I had never heard of Google Closure. This reminds me a lot of Apple's WebObjects. When I used it, in the late 1990s and early 2000s, it was by far the best web platform out there... and I think in a lot of ways it still is. (If it had remained Objective-C based and gone open sourced I would still be using it today.)
I think there is a bit of a problem in "engineer culture" where there is a tendency to fixate on a particular technology even when it's not the most appropriate for particular use cases. There are certainly use cases where MongoDB and Node.js are the best choices, but those cases are much narrower (particularly in the case of Mongo) then I think the community recognizes and they start being adopted as general purpose tools appropriate for all use cases.
I'd like to see a broader level of coverage and a change in our culture so we embrace more choices.
While WebObjects is powering iTunes and the AppStore still today... and Apple's even gone further and built javascript based platforms (Sproutcore was largely an Apple product) they no longer are putting the effort in they did with webobjects.
For isntance, with web objects you had interface builder- that allowed you to build web pages/sites much the way you build iOS apps using it now, and it was just as powerful, resulting in rapid development without the WYSIWYG issues of other tools. The lack of adoption by the community, though, means Apple only does this work in house for its in house users now. It just wasn't popular enough to support the work on Xcode and IB that was required.
I think there is a bit of a problem in "engineer culture" where there is a tendency to fixate on a particular technology even when it's not the most appropriate for particular use cases. There are certainly use cases where MongoDB and Node.js are the best choices, but those cases are much narrower (particularly in the case of Mongo) then I think the community recognizes and they start being adopted as general purpose tools appropriate for all use cases.
I'd like to see a broader level of coverage and a change in our culture so we embrace more choices.
While WebObjects is powering iTunes and the AppStore still today... and Apple's even gone further and built javascript based platforms (Sproutcore was largely an Apple product) they no longer are putting the effort in they did with webobjects.
For isntance, with web objects you had interface builder- that allowed you to build web pages/sites much the way you build iOS apps using it now, and it was just as powerful, resulting in rapid development without the WYSIWYG issues of other tools. The lack of adoption by the community, though, means Apple only does this work in house for its in house users now. It just wasn't popular enough to support the work on Xcode and IB that was required.