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This is a really smart acquisition. WordPress continues to dominate the CMS market. With the upcoming REST API, it's only going to get better. I'm watching niche CMS industry after niche CMS industry crumble under the continual migration to WordPress.

The latest victims are the small CMS vendors who have been selling proprietary CMS solutions to public school districts for the past 15 years, charging far too much money (your U.S. taxpayer dollars!) for barely functional CMS's. The FCC voted recently to prohibit spending federal money on these solutions, a practice that basically created the market, so now every school district in the U.S. (14,000+) are looking around for cheaper and better solutions. A large percentage of them are migrating to WordPress.

Do you have any links about this FCC ruling and school districts? I'm intrigued.

I was interested too (as a former school IT admin), a little googling turned up this:


E-Rate is a major funding source for school Internet connections and is ran by the FCC. The sidebar on that article says:

"Phases out support for some non-broadband services, such as voice services; and eliminates support for others, such as email, Web-hosting, paging, and components of telephone service such as text-messaging and directory assistance."

I'm guessing it relates to that "web-hosting" bit.

Yes, that is exactly right. Public school districts can no longer use E-Rate (federal money) funds to pay for web site hosting or web site management systems. The FCC decided to re-allocate $5 billion in E-Rate funds for a 5-year wifi roll-out plan for all public school districts.

You can read more about the FCC's E-Rate Modernization Order :https://www.fcc.gov/page/summary-second-e-rate-modernization...

I've never heard of this FCC thing you speak of.

And most schools I know are migrating to Drupal.

Drupal is a great platform as well. I work with K-12 school districts every day and the majority are not choosing Drupal because the support and custom Drupal development needed is too expensive. Instead, they are choosing WordPress.

The exception is the higher education market (colleges and universities), who are choosing Drupal over WordPress.

Is this the REST API you are talking about: wp-api.org

Here's a link to a recent update from the Make WordPress Core blog: https://make.wordpress.org/core/2015/05/18/wp-rest-api-versi...

I'm not the OP you're responding to, but that's the link I often see referenced in regards to the REST API.

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