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GvR talked about retirement for a while, I see this as the official announcement. It's unlikely that in N years when the freeze ends GvR will continue to moderate the discussion on Python evolution.

This could also signal the beginning of python as "the" mainstream language as this makes it a lower risk proposition for vendors to embrace the language.

I tried searching around, but found only April Fool announcement of GvR retirement:


Any links to actual talks about retirement?

He did talk about it in his keynote at the 2009 PyCon.

Summary: http://pypap.blogspot.com/2009/06/pycon-2009-notes-march-28t...

From there:

> “I’m not retiring, but I’m tiring.”

> doesn’t enjoy traveling like he used to

> “I’m sort of thinking over the next five or

> ten years to gradually fade away.”

> Hopes in 5 years that the BDFL is not actually

> leading the community anymore, more of a figurehead.

> “Don’t look to me for guidance for everything.”

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