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Actually, it might be easier to simply treat them (NSA and Google) as the same entity, given that Google was created by the TLAs[1]. It seems the surveillance business model isn't really separate.

As for technical solutions - I seriously doubt that will stop much when you're facing what is effectively a new version of COINTELPRO. Especially when your enemy has access to not only the government purse, but also the giant pile of money at Goldman Sachs[2].

I fully agree there is a lot that needs to be fixed in terms of technical solutions - encryption must happen - but this is of government agencies going rogue and they need to be reined in if we want to keep what's left of this country.


Serious question for everybody:

Many high-level people in the government seem to be explicitly violating the constitution while generally acting like know the law can't touch them, and the NSA and CIA seem to be very successful controlling the situation (CIA: avoiding prosecution for torture when it should have been easy to at least get a trial, NSA: forcing bill amendments like the recent Section 309 mess, not to mention the blatant 4th amendment violation of most of their recent activities). These kinds of activities should be solved by legal prosecution and regulation, but those solutions seem to be growing less and less likely.

If the intelligence community has replaced some or all of the Constitution... at what point can w4e start calling this a coup? Also, at what point does actively trying to subvert the constitution - the thing most of these people should have taken an oath to defend - does this not meet the very definition of "making war" against the country?

[1] https://medium.com/@NafeezAhmed/how-the-cia-made-google-e836...

[2] ibid, towards the the end of "Part One"

/* before claiming that I'm wearing some sort of tinfoid hat, do read the article[1] */

Pretty much every piece of IR research at US universities is funded in part by programs that take money from defense programs. That article goes a long, long way from anything supported by the facts the author claims.

Yeah, no one tell the author of that article about where the money for the Internet came from.

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