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FOSS Tools for C programming you cannot live without?
2 points by phrasz on Nov 14, 2014 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments
I was wondering what tools everyone uses for C that are FOSS and you could NEVER imagine coding without.

Example: GCC (gcc and gdb), Valgrind, nano (eewwww ... yes I said nano), git.

Thanks and I'll take my answer offline ;)

already cited but valgrind, gcc, gdb, git, tig, vim. (rlwrap, not only for C dev, just all terminal thingy)

What's wrong with nano?

vi and/or vim elitists... I've always have used nano, but it seems that's not good enough for CentOS/RHEL guys.

make, cmake, Code::Blocks, Geany, sourcenav

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