Hey there. Tim from Heavybit. I wanna make sure you're having the best experience possible. Can get me some more info on the banner? It might be the video of Ilya's talk.
Sometimes it's nice to skim a transcript when a video can't be watched or when deciding whether to invest the time into watching the video. Some way of hiding the banner would be useful here.
Yes, it's the video of the talk that follows you as you scroll down the page. If you are not watching the video it is a terrible format as it blocks a large amount of the reading area.
yes, it's the video. Some of us, though, would prefer to just read the transcript (thanks for providing a high quality transcript, awesome) instead of watching the video.
Some way to collapse the video 'banner' into a smaller area, so we can use the full screen, or nearly, when reading the transcript, would be welcome. Perhaps if you click on the transcript to open the video at that point, it could expand again.