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> According to your definition of "freedom", Microsoft Windows is just as Free as Linux. After all, Microsoft gives you the "source code" on the CD itself! All you have to do is start flipping bits here and there, and...


> Wait, what's that? Editing compiler-generated assembly code is too hard for you? Well, that's clearly your problem, since you can't expect Microsoft to bend over backwards and write code for you the way you wanted it!

Umm. no. That's Microsoft bending over backwards NOT to give you the source code, as defined very clearly by the FSF and the OSD.

More importantly, in the case of Microsoft's proprietary software (they do actually have some open source stuff which isn't encumbered like this), it's literally a violation of their license agreement for you to edit that code yourself.

Am I through the looking glass or am I being trolled?

Free software means you can't restrict anyone from going ahead and making whatever changes they might want to to software, distributing it to the world, and potentially garnering mindshare in the process.

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