spdy+tls is not HTTP! They're building blocks on which you can write protocols that expect some interesting properties (auth, session, multiplexing, bidirectionality,...).
You must be referring to HTTP2, which is indeed HTTP1+SPDY+TLS in one single protocol. Actually, if SPDY catches on and is used for other uses (I already know muxado [0] that uses a SPDY-based protocol to multiplex requests/responses between client and servers) so that it lives by itself, it will be funny to see if HTTP2 really embeds it (and therefore duplicating the work).
Apparently Armon built one too a few weeks ago [1]
I think I'd like to move muxado in a direction where it provides the common interface to the various stream multiplexers. That way you could code against a common interface and swap out http2/spdy/muxado/yamux as the implementation to suit your performance needs.
I'd also like to see libchan use this common interface as a layer built on top of this primitive.
Just as forecast by many on HN, HTTP is becoming the network layer.