FYI, I'm cleaning up the documentation right now, so we can finally release this thing. It's taken way too long time when you don't have a guy who says "okay, release it!"
Making money depends on a lot of variables beyond your control. Making art is completely within your control. Every 5 year old does art, very few people make real money.
In any case, if money is your goal (absolutely legitimate) you'll have much better odds choosing finance rather than technology as your field.
No reason it can't be both, but given a choice between making something that makes me happier and making something that makes me money, I'll go for happiness.
Doing both would be great, but often doing both is impossible. Code is one of those things.
Don't ever code as smart as you can because debugging is twice as hard as coding. If you write the smartest code you can, you will not be able to debug it.
I imagine origami code as this kind of brilliant and amazing puzzle solution that brings a smile to your face when you grok it. And that's exactly the kind of thing I would not want to maintain for a living. Write it, sure. But not maintain/extend/debug it etc.
— _why /