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> I'm not sure I understand how that gives you personally more control.

Because you don't pay for the services you don't want, unlike with government. Government can decide to come after you and hurt you, after a lifetime of taking a large portion of your income. Again, it's just like any market. Obviously one individual doesn't have direct control over what bread a supermarket stocks, but a competitive market of grocery stores will lead to grocery stores stocking bread in an attempt to meet the demand of its customers. In that sense, you clearly have more control over your local break market than you would if all grocery stores were controlled centrally by government.

But you may still be subject to someone else's concepts of justice, with no control over that at all. It removes even the illusion of democratic control and makes you subject to the whims of others, especially if they have more money.

> But you may still be subject to someone else's concepts of justice, with no control over that at all.

That sounds like the current state of all governments, unless you're one of the tiny portion of society that gets to decide what government does.

> It removes even the illusion of democratic control and makes you subject to the whims of others, especially if they have more money.

I don't desire democratic control or the illusion thereof. In fact, democratic control "makes you subject to the whims of others, especially if they have more money," so I don't understand why you implied a difference between the two.

If they're the same that doesn't make one superior to the other. QED.

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