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If think if there is a natural monopoly on a resource used as a lifeline or by more that half of the citizen, the infra should be under the government's oversight and the service privatized and open to competition.

Your wireless carrier example would be a single wireless network with as many as wished service providers.

This would slow down new technology deployments, but the market might be mature enough to get it's evolution slowed down two or three times without major inconvenience I think (for instance, we'd be stuck with LTE for a while if we go this way now ?)

We're going to be stuck with LTE for at least another 10 years - the big four can't really afford to upgrade the network again sooner than that - LTE for most of the carriers is a forklift upgrade - not just adding some cards and calling it good.

Consider that for the carrier that I work for - the equipment was installed originally in the 1996/97 timeframe, and while there has been some upgrades for EV-DO - the equipment and cabinets are largely of that generation.

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