Biggest problem I have with Persona is one of it's main selling points; if you log in to one place you're logged into all the places. That may sound great, but it really isn't. It means that you can log out of a site because you don't want people sharing your machine to have access to it. You then log into a different, lower-security site. Instantly that first site is accessible again.
I wrote a whole thing on Persona a while back ( ) but that ended up being the killer for me. It might be fine for activities like posting comments on a blog, but any site which stores or presents some aspect of who am I to the world needs to be a bit more secure than that!
I wrote a whole thing on Persona a while back ( ) but that ended up being the killer for me. It might be fine for activities like posting comments on a blog, but any site which stores or presents some aspect of who am I to the world needs to be a bit more secure than that!