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If you're trying to get things done in Racket, just learn define-syntax-rule [1] and syntax/parse [2].

You also picked as your example the one thing unhygienic macros are good at. Even in arc.arc, most macros start with (w/uniq (let boilerplate like:

  (mac or args
    (and args
         (w/uniq g
           `(let ,g ,(car args)
              (if ,g ,g (or ,@(cdr args)))))))
In my code breaking hygiene is the exception, not the common case, and my Racket macros are usually shorter than the equivalent arc macros.

  [1]: http://docs.racket-lang.org/guide/pattern-macros.html
  [2]: http://docs.racket-lang.org/syntax/stxparse.html

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