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Yes it is very impressive, conceptually and technically.

But the finance section is WAY off... Which makes me doubt the rest of the material in which I have less experience.

Considering that colony/station should be created mainly from resources on the moon (very smart), the cost for 10,000 construction workers over 27 years would be according to him:

"10 000 x $34 130 x 27 =$9 215 100 000"

Try negotiating that low salary with someone that is supposed to work on the moon/in space and not get a pay that is inflation adjusted or never get a pay raise EVER for that matter...

I would hate to be one of the guys working at that project...

Otherwise good stuff, although the habitat cells should be square shaped to fully utilize the living space, I mean who needs 6+ meter in room height...

You could probably find a lot of people who would work cheap if you didn't limit your labor pool to Canadians. Working off-planet would arguably be no worse than doing construction in Dubai in 125 degree heat, and poor people from India do that for a lot less.

The $34'130 seems to based on the GDP per capita of canada or the USA. So 10'000 at the bell curve mid point of wages would cost 9.2 billion. Recruits in the military do get similar wages even though they work in pretty horrible conditions for example.

To be fair to the kid, he does state that the value is in 2008 dollars. But 27 years on the same real wage is still a stretch.

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