I cant understand why the poll was taken down! Maybe we can make another simpler one? Without gender? It may be a little oversimplifying but it would be more viable regarding the platform. The starting options could be: Gay (Gay male/ Lesbian), Straight, Bisexual, Asexual, Queer, Pansexual . ?
It wasn't really that complicated! Gender does matter when it comes to sexual orientation as I believe more women identify as "non straight" than men. I did worry that I wasn't being inclusive enough, but didn't want it to get too long.
What was interesting, is that there's 20% non-straight guys, which is 4-5 times higher than the general population. This is really interesting to me.
I think it got flagged to death because it came across as backlash, which it wasn't.
I cant see how you can have a poll for both gender/sexuality. If you want to be inclusive it would easily have more than 50 option due to the simplicity of the HN polls (also Male/Female , internationally, are more usually used to describe sex not gender ) :/ It may have been flagged to death due to other factors as well (eg. homophobia?, people not being comfortable with it etc)
I think there was a strong bias for people who see themselves as not conforming to the norm to vote, so the would have been over-represented in the poll.