I feel like I'm one of the odd ones out where I enjoy my job at a large company that offers me pretty much everything I could want at the moment
I go home, relax, read, hangout with the family and work on really interesting open source & side projects .. I can't imagine how I could be much happier ..
IMO if your goal is to start a business start planning things out and take the risks you need to only you have to not just when you can .. which is very situational .. i wouldn't just go and quit your job if it's not immediately necessary on a whim due to advice from a random blog.
Definitely agree ninetenel. I tried to emphasize in my blog that I have chanced into a really great, low-risk situation to quit, and it's still really hard to drop everything to give it shot. I am envious of your contentment with a job at a larger employer, having experienced both, a startup is definitely not the most fun option. It's hard, likely to fail, demanding, always-on, and otherwise irrational. I think I just caught the startup bug the first time around. :)
I go home, relax, read, hangout with the family and work on really interesting open source & side projects .. I can't imagine how I could be much happier ..
IMO if your goal is to start a business start planning things out and take the risks you need to only you have to not just when you can .. which is very situational .. i wouldn't just go and quit your job if it's not immediately necessary on a whim due to advice from a random blog.