I always think its really interesting how libraries that would be open source on github if they were written in ruby are 300$ per license purchases when written in .net.
Its like the commercial for profit nature of .NET filters down to the people that write code for it too.
I think if they were written deserves some emphasis there. $300 will buy you WPF Flow Diagrams. You can search github for the flowcharts written in Ruby. And, if there actually were any, they'd be free. Too bad there aren't.
Its like the commercial for profit nature of .NET filters down to the people that write code for it too.
The O/R Mapper product generates sales primarily because of the support and the domain modeling tools we build into Visual Studio. It does help that the core framework is very powerful too but that was something we picked up early on - the code is not as important as the whole delivery (support, integration, documentation, etc).
Visual controls such as the WPF controls we sell require much less effort to move than our ORM product. I think corporates will still happily spend on visual things but are moving away from non-visual elements of application development such as O/R Mappers due to the quality of some open source offerings.
Its like the commercial for profit nature of .NET filters down to the people that write code for it too.