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The chubbiness, itself, isn’t so much the problem. It’s that your models end up becoming arbitrary bags of logic whose contents lack rhyme or reason.

Let me unpack that claim.

In the models-and-controllers view of the world, there’s no obviously good place to represent the relationships between models. The relationship logic usually ends up getting stuffed into controllers (making them “fat”) or into arbitrarily designated models (making them “chubby”). For a long time now, though, everyone has been told to keep their controllers “skinny,” so now most of this logic ends up in models. And so we get a lot of “chubby” models these days.

Example time.

Say you have employees, who have roles at companies, which own assets. You’ll have a model class for each of these real-world concepts: Employee, Role, Company, Asset. So far, so good.

Now say you need a way to determine whether a given employee should be allowed to sell a given asset. Well, the answer to that question depends on the role that the employee has at the company that owns the asset. So where do you put the logic that answers the question?

Some people would put it in the Employee class, so they can write employee.can_sell?(asset). Others would put it on the Asset class, so they can write asset.sellable_by?(employee). Others would mix it into controller logic somewhere, because that’s where the employee and asset objects interact. And yet others would create a separate module of permissions logic to house the interaction, so they can write permissions.has_sell_on?(employee, asset).

If you choose to put that kind of relationship logic into a model class, and lots of people do, odds are you’ll make the same decision again and again. And, in time, your models will get “chubby.”

The problem is that, after a while, your models get bloated up with logic about other models and become harder to reason about.

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