Interesting, but I find the user experience breaks down rather quickly when I try to find out how much I could expect to pay if I moved a webapp to Jelastic. Annoying considering "True Cloud Pricing" is one of the headline features.
The "Pricing" link leads to an FAQ with 16 questions on pricing, each of which have to be expanded individually and none of which answer the question, "How much does it cost?"
The best answer tells me to click on my hosting provider, which is confusing, since I don't have a hosting provider; I haven't signed up for service. When I click on a random one, I get a dumped into the middle of some corporate knowledge base's 500-word article which then has to be scanned for plain text pricing information hidden within it. I'd then have to go make my own spreadsheet and plug in the numbers.
I like the prominent "vote for features" button. They also have a tab which shows which of these community-driven features have been finished. This isn't a novel idea, but I like they way that they implemented it.
True, but I don't believe the votes at all. The most popular options have ~1700 votes, but obscure one at page 7 still have 1640 votes? That doesn't seem realistic..
The votes seem to be a summation of the tweets/+1s/likes. The numbers are skewed due to the Google +1's -- it's stuck at exactly 1616 for every feature request until page 23. This looks like either a misconfiguration or a Google+ bug to me.
The "Pricing" link leads to an FAQ with 16 questions on pricing, each of which have to be expanded individually and none of which answer the question, "How much does it cost?"
The best answer tells me to click on my hosting provider, which is confusing, since I don't have a hosting provider; I haven't signed up for service. When I click on a random one, I get a dumped into the middle of some corporate knowledge base's 500-word article which then has to be scanned for plain text pricing information hidden within it. I'd then have to go make my own spreadsheet and plug in the numbers.
For reference, compare to Heroku's pricing page: