... so because the attempt is futile, you are saying we should pretend he didn't say it, and interpret the rest of his article in that light?
FWIW, I have a friend in the planning division of the city I live in, and just a few days ago we were having a discussion about the issues with parking.
I was curious if somebody will bring this title to the table as I've found this book some time ago on Goodreads, but frankly, 800p about this subject is a TLDR for me.
My point was, while I think people should be comfortable paying for services, claiming they should demand to pay instead of getting it free is a bit absurd. It's not like there are no paid more feature-rich alternatives for uploading photos, or that web users just don't pay for online; it's just that Instagram, Twitter & co wouldn't grow to those numbers if they were a paid service. Prove me wrong, but I also got the feeling Pinboard users are there for the statement, not because they believe bookmarking links is worth $10.
FWIW, I have a friend in the planning division of the city I live in, and just a few days ago we were having a discussion about the issues with parking.
People certainly can and do make arguments that people should demand to pay for parking, as to do anything else causes even worse problems.