I haven't read the article. First thing that I saw when visiting this blog/site whatever was a long pageover list with checkboxes and email input fields asking me to subscribe to something. There was no close button immediately visible, so I just closed the tab instead of proceeding.
Sorry, but if you really want your story visible, please stop treating your visitors like that.
Of course you could do that, I also do that sometimes, but after being welcomed in such an unrespectful way I just didn't want to bother, since I assumed the quality of the article is the same as "welcome" message.
markokocic I run the CTOvision site and I apologize for that horrid popup. I was experimenting with a new plugin that did not work right and I really screwed it up. But I pulled it down as soon as I saw that.
Sorry, but if you really want your story visible, please stop treating your visitors like that.