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Autojump: easily navigate directories from the command line (wiki.github.com)
18 points by soundsop on Feb 14, 2009 | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

Neat. Not mentioned in the wiki, but there is some support for bash completion as well (I was going to post a feature request...)


Excellent. I'm pretty addicted to the completion in cdargs, but the learning features of autojump are pretty cool. I'm giving it a shot.

You could also make use of temporary variables.

    $ a=`pwd`
    $ cd /mnt/rockin/it
    $ b=`pwd`
    $ cd $a

That's too much like work.

EDIT: I currently use cdargs, and it had to get built into muscle memory before it was really powerful. Now, I type "cv twTABENTER" and I'm where I want to be, before I've finished thinking about where I want to be.

I just installed it, this is a very good time saver. This is much better than temp variables because it defines "temp variable" automatically for you.

If you're using bash, the builtin cd -, pushd, and popd are all handier ways of accomplishing this.

Nope. That's stack based, this is frequency based. It learns what directories you visit more frequently, and jumps to the right one based on very small bits of input.

I wish it were interactive, like iswitchb ... or I guess I could just start using shell-mode inside Emacs.

Yes, autojump is frequency based. That is not what I was responding to.

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