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Our standups are at 11:45, so we have impetus to keep it brief and get to lunch. In any case, even if it does cut into a stretch of programming, it serves as an invaluable reminder to go get lunch.

Yeah, I agree that I'd be annoyed with standup at any time before 11:30, but 11:45 is perfect and basically doesn't interfere with anything. In a certain sense it doesn't cost any dev time at all if you take it for granted that your developers should stop coding midway through the day and eat lunch. (We absolutely do not eat lunch during standup - we have standup, then we physically leave the office to go eat.) Sure, some days we end up in endless meetings which mean we're stuck in the building eating takeout, but that has nothing to do with standup.

We experimented with 10 AM scrum but I found that if I came to the office at 9ish, I used to get distracted with the thought of Scrum. Eventually, we decided to move it to the afternoons at 4:30 which works out well because you are almost done with your work day and you can get distracted all you want.

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