Forces pushes are dangerous enough as it is, so I'm mystified on why git doesn't insist you know the state of upstream before running it.
Sadly you can't make it the default, so I resort to:
force-push = push --force-with-lease
As for the article, I must the the weird one because I prefer most of the settings are they are or don't care. Even some of those designated as "clearly better" don't look to me.
It's unfortunat that --force-with-lease was given such a long name compared to the strictly more dangerous --force. And yes, it would be great if we could configure --force to behave like --force-with-lease - it's not like original --force behavior is ever desirable for human operators.
Sadly you can't make it the default, so I resort to:
As for the article, I must the the weird one because I prefer most of the settings are they are or don't care. Even some of those designated as "clearly better" don't look to me.