FWIW, the American Steve Jackson also wrote three Fighting Fantasy novels (Scorpion Swamp, Demons of the Deep, and Robot Commando):
> "As Ian and I couldn't write a book a month, we opened Fighting Fantasy up to new authors. The 'Jackson & Livingstone Presents' series came into being. The first new author was...Steve Jackson!"
> "Even to this day, many Fighting Fantasy readers aren't aware that not one but two Steve Jacksons worked on the franchise - the second being the Texas-based founder of Steve Jackson Games."
Yeah wow, this confused the hell out of me. Reading the first paragraph, it seemed that Steve Jackson was finally publishing his own books in the US through a "historic 50-book collaboration" with himself. Thanks for elaborating.
The founder of Steve Jackson Games and creator of Munchkin and GURPS [0]
The writer of Fighting Fantasy and founder of Games Workshop and Lionhead Studios [1]
I find the fact that the two are in business quite satisfying.
[0] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steve_Jackson_(American_game...
[1] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steve_Jackson_(British_game_...