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> What a load of shit. What happened to “great artists steal”? Great art must be stolen to inspire new, greater art.

You'd be totally cool with me stealing the side project you've poured heart and soul into for 5 years, to sell it to an overseas company that floods the market for 1/10 the price?

By referencing "great artists steal" I think the OP was referring more to the hypocrisy of Apple as opposed to indignation.

Here is the youtube video of Jobs saying that Apple shamelessly steals: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CW0DUg63lqU

Given that Jobs credits Picasso with the "great artists steal" quote and Tim Cook making an analogy about "finishing the painting" the whole thing is quite ironic.

Assuming they did it from scratch and not shipping the assemblies outright, I don't see what the issue is.

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