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Let Developers Register for Your API with Their Github Profile (apievangelist.com)
35 points by awwstn2 on July 19, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

Having never used github for authorization, I clicked on the sign-up button that Singly provided. Among the bullet points that github issues, this one seemed a bit more than mildly concerning.

  * Update your public and private repositories (Commits, Issues, etc).
There is a zero chance of me ever agreeing to that.

Fixed. We now only request read access to public github data. Thanks again for the feedback.

Fair critique. We're working on changing our permissions now, and it'll be fixed by the end of the day. Cheers!

This looks fine if you're a single developer working on a (relatively) small project, but what happens when you grow to two developers? Or you hand off the project? At that point shouldn't the API registration be tied to the application and not the developer?

That said, it's probably more important to lower the initial barrier for entry to drive adoption.

Is there anyway to tie it to the team instead of just the developer?

looking at the (GitHub) API.. doesn't seem like it


edit: hmm, now I'm not sure. looking at my employer's organization (that I have the 'owner' role on) I can certainly authorize apps via GitHub.com.

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