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Pieter was just on Lex Fridman’s podcast not too long ago, I enjoyed it. Smart dude.


His real claim to fame is having built most, if not all, of his successful startups with only a single PHP file sprinkled with jQuery and css.

That's pretty impressive in itself tbh.

That was not the impression I got from his Twitter. He might be able to build stuff but his ability to explain social phenomena is really poor (especially for someone with an economics degree).

>He might be able to build stuff but his ability to explain social phenomena is really poor.

I didn't say he was a god incarnate lol. He's clearly been successful in at least one narrow domain and that requires some level of intelligence.

It's sad to see him leaning into the rage bait..

I've followed him for years. He's always interesting to read since he's successful while being contrarian on many things about business and tech, but he's turning into a mini Elon Musk talking about "mind virus", "libtards" and "soyboys".

Why can't the internet go back to people talking about what they know? I'm tired to everything being politicized

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