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What equipment is needed for Cuban's to harvest fish?

People have been harvesting fish from the ocean for thousands of years. They have been making bread for even longer.

Sanctions are not why Cuban's aren't able to eat. Cuba can and does trade with the rest of the world.

Cuban's can't eat because of how poorly their government allocates resources. This is the problem with all centrally planned economies - they eventually stop being run well.

The problem they face is a shortage of wheat flour, not bread-making technology. Wheat doesn't grow in tropical climates (though the Brasilians are working on this). There are 10 million people on the island of Cuba. There weren't 10 million people living there and baking bread thousands of years ago.

And why can’t they import wheat from their numerous trading partners, including China and Europe?

It’s astonishing the amount of excuses people give for the extremely corrupt, dysfunctional, and undemocratic Cuban government.

There are very limited options for doing business with Cuba due to the trade embargo laws the US has passed. US sanctions in general basically cut a country or organization out of the international banking system. There are limited exceptions for food etc but where are they supposed to get the money to pay for that food with the other industries being embargoed?

It's shocking the lack of credit you're extending to the decade's long embargo for doing it's job of keeping Cuba poor.

Russia is the single largest exporter of wheat in the world, followed by the EU, Australia, the US, Ukraine, and Argentina. China is a top producer but also a top consumer; nothing for export.

Still, plenty of it out there, at this point it's more due to local disfunction more than anything.

Cuba does import its wheat from Europe. Did you read the article?

To harvest fish at an meaningful scale for a population of a bit over 11 million requires a lot of equipment and that's not what they're having trouble with. It's bread.

Ocean fishing requires boats which require engines, navigation equipment etc etc.

Also, of course the extra effort that go to constrained sectors can't be expended for food production.

And a lot of the world follows US sanctions.

Calling "commies bad" is oversimplifying the situation. Ps China is a centrally planned economy that is the biggest in the world now.

But really the US should stop these sanctions. It's crazy that they still exist.

China moved away from central-planning 40 years ago.

"From 1978 and for three decades afterward, China moved from central planning and autarky to a market-oriented economy."

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