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I had this problem – near 24/7 noise – but moved 20 miles west to a suburb that has speed bumps and significantly less through traffic. The average dBs outside went from ~65 to ~45. Maybe in the US, at least, the issue is that the quiet urban/suburban places are much more expensive than the loud places and so are relatively inaccessible?

Though, now that I think about it, the depths of New York City will be both very expensive and very loud.

I live in a place that was very similar to what you describe. In the last couple years it's become as bad as where I moved from some days.

A lot of it is the surrounding areas have been surrendered to the noise makers and residents in my town are friends with them and they come and go as they please at all hours, unhindered by law enforcement.

But dismayingly, more of the residents are getting louder themselves for whatever reason. The worst part is they by and large follow the speed limit but are still insanely loud so the police just look at it like I'm just annoyed and need to get over it.

It's truly the easiest thing to catch. I can't fathom why there's so little interest at any level of government to tackle this problem.

> I can't fathom why there's so little interest at any level of government to tackle this problem.

Since lawmakers live in places where they have their own police officer at the entrance to the street and can afford triple pane windows.

And the Venn-diagram of police officers and people that think loud exhausts are cool has substantial overlap.

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