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How does it know how many times it needs to shoot the zombie before it dies?

Most enemies have enough hit points to survive the first shot. If the model is only trained on the previous frame, it doesn't know how many times the enemy was already shot at.

From the video it seems like it is probability based - they may die right away or it might take way longer than it should.

I love how the player's health goes down when he stands in the radioactive green water.

In Doom the enemies fight with each other if they accidentally incur "friendly fire". It would be interesting to see it play out in this version.

> I love how the player's health goes down when he stands in the radioactive green water.

This is one of the bits that was weird to me, it doesn't work correctly. In the real game you take damage at a consistent rate, in the video the player doesn't and whether the player takes damage or not seems highly dependent on some factor that isn't whether or not the player is in the radioactive slime. My thought is that its learnt something else that correlates poorly.

It gets a number of previous frames as input I think.

> In Doom the enemies fight with each other if they accidentally incur "friendly fire". It would be interesting to see it play out in this version.

They trained this thing on bot gameplay, so I bet it does poorly when advanced strategies like deliberately inducing mob infighting are employed (the bots probably didn't do that a lot, of at all.)

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