It encourages finding content from native sources, learning new words in context from materials that interest you rather than textbook content, and helps you build your own personal corpus of sentences as you encounter them in the wild. Will soon expand to more media types than just web and epub, to include YouTube/comics/HDMI input/game emulators etc
If you find flashcards from others, you also get easy tools for discovering more sentences from source materials that might interest you or from your own corpus. More coming for this and other word/kanji-level tracking analytics. Offline-first and privacy friendly.
This is great. Reminds me of the writings of Khatzumoto (All Japanese All The Time). On that note, do you know how to contact him? His site got deleted recently and I have an idea for restoring a static version.
Thanks! Yes I've read his stuff and basically all discourse online since ~2005 when I wrote my first web app version of Manabi. I was also heavily influenced by the Breaking into Japanese Literature book and similar ones which had translations of words and pages, sometimes additional explanations, for short stories from Akutagawa etc. (as I've included in the Rashomon EPUB in Manabi Reader)
I don't know how to contact Khaz sorry I've never talked w/ him. There's a subreddit dedicated to his approach r/ajatt so you might find leads there. I'd also check of course
If you try out my apps pls drop any feedback, easiest is Discord (chat or issue tracker) Thanks - recently went full-time on this so looking to grow it quickly and have lots more on deck
It encourages finding content from native sources, learning new words in context from materials that interest you rather than textbook content, and helps you build your own personal corpus of sentences as you encounter them in the wild. Will soon expand to more media types than just web and epub, to include YouTube/comics/HDMI input/game emulators etc
If you find flashcards from others, you also get easy tools for discovering more sentences from source materials that might interest you or from your own corpus. More coming for this and other word/kanji-level tracking analytics. Offline-first and privacy friendly.