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It is true that some people feel the BBC is politically biased. but buts not just that.

The biggest problem is that people watch the BBC a LOT less than they did when there were a limited number of channels. Therefore people feel they get less benefit from the license fee.

Up to about the 1980s there were three TV channels, two BBC. The we got more and more new channels, and so the BBC channels became less and less important to people.

If the BBC were to disappear I would miss comedy and Radio 3. I have to TV so that does not matter to me - it does not stop Crapita sending me the threatening letters, of course. I think it is idiotic to outsource to them, and to fail to control their behaviour.

"it's probably reasonable to say that the BBC has had a somewhat more pro-government bias"

or less of an anti-Conservative bias? I think this is something people will argue about, and that is part of the problem.

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