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> all rolled into one beautiful, weird, dysfunctional country, and I couldn’t get enough of it.

I do not see dysfunctional countries as beautiful. I prefer well functioning countries where things get done and people understand each other.

I guess the author likes to see people suffer?

You can't see beauty in a country that isn't perfect? I know plenty of people who have some flaw they would probably be better off without, but I don't say "I don't see imperfect people as beautiful, and if you do it means you like to see them suffer."

Why do you jump to calling the author sadistic for finding the positive in a complicated situation?

> You can't see beauty in a country that isn't perfect?

A country is beautiful if it serves its people. Seeing beauty in dysfunction is sadism.

Neither I nor the author are saying that the dysfunction is beautiful, just that a country can be both dysfunctional and beautiful. I think it's a pretty extreme viewpoint to say that any dysfunction negates everything else beautiful about a country.

I prefer cakes, but I also like steaks and vegetable salads. On some days, I go for a pho soup, or pasta, or fried rice with chicken.

It would be a shame to only have known cakes my entire life.

Is a country that changes the value of a citizen's vote based on whether they live in a populated area functional? What about a country where the elections are about choosing between two obnoxious candidates who are both over 80 and out of touch with the issues their citizens care about? If the supporters of one geriatric statesman call the supporters of the other Nazis (both directions) - does that count as understanding each other?

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