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>NPR fully jumped the shark after 9/11

How did it jump the shark after 9/11? I've never listened to or read NPR so I have no idea how its changed.

If we are being ideologically consistent we would sort viewership by audience-size and then start the bias complaints at the top (hint: its Fox News).

Meanwhile, donate to your local NPR Station. Its some of the best local/investigative journalism I've seen: https://www.npr.org/donations/support

Funny, I trust Bari Weiss' "The Free Press" a lot less than I trust NPR.

NPR has its flaws, but it’s still reporting news. Bari Weiss is just opinion pieces now.

Im interested in hearing proper rebuttals and discussions of a piece that was written by an NPR senior business editor and reporter with a 25 year tenure at that institution.

Your comment is not that. It appears to either be dismissal by association or whataboutism, in both cases focusing on the outlet that published Uri Berliner‘s piece and not the content of the piece itself.

Ask yourself this, would Bari Weiss publish a piece that included voices that defended NPR?

We know from the piece and its fallout that NPR wouldn't publish a piece including voices that question itself.

I trust Bari Weiss a lot more then NPR. NPR is not what it used to be.

Been a while...but what I recall the most strongly is:

- "Pushing your buttons is our only goal" reporting. Both in individual stories, and as an overall "keep you tuned in and under our thumbs 24x7" business strategy.

- A "Facts Do Not Exist" approach to political reporting. Senator Slime(D) said that 2 + 2 = 3, Senator Sleaze(R) said that 2 + 2 = 5...and NPR's reporters would not dare to suggest that there was anything resembling an objective truth. Let alone give you a hint toward that "4" thing.

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