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One reason of them being banned is they are very good and hence very popular.

The main reason is a fear - which as far as I know is unsubstantiated - that China's got backdoors in tech sold in the west. But with so many hackers and national security agencies disassembling and analyzing these things, surely they'd have found it by now?

Therefore, I wouldn't be surprised if it's more about market protection. Which doesn't make much sense to me because is there a major US drone manufacturer that can't compete with DJI right now?

> with so many hackers and national security agencies disassembling and analyzing these things, surely they'd have found it by now

This is a common misconception. With OTA updates, the backdoor can be introduced at any time in a future software version. For example, right before an attack.

It's a fear that US has no similarly competitive drone companies

Check out Guardian Ag

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