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Their behavior spanning decades and their belief in Leviticus 20:13 as morally correct. If they were allowed to they would do much worse.

>The pink-and-blue color scheme has a particular ideological implication.

There's no ideology involved.

>It has nothing to do with who the client is!

It irrefutably does.

>The important distinction

There is none.

>did not refuse to service the wedding because the people being married were homosexual in their sexual orientation; he refused to service it because the people being married were of the same sex

There's no distinction, it's the same thing. Mental gymnastics to justify his behaviour.

It's simply making excuses for someone who believes in Leviticus 20:13 to exclude gay people in any way they legally can.

Would a white nationalist bakery owner that refuses to bake a cake for a black couple celebrating their wedding also be justified and morally righteous to you?

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