One my cats attempts to lure me around the back of the shed so that she can then race out the other side, down the driveway, and jump the fence to precious freedom.
She has a number of variations on this theme, and with each failure she tries something slightly different. Until I catch her and bring her back inside.
The reason I know this is because, before I was aware that it was happening, it succeeded at least twice. (I'm picturing people reading this saying, in Lisa Simpsons's voice, "is my brother dumber than a hamster? Hamster two, Bart zero" - because that's what my inner voice is saying right now).
Cows are flippin' amazing creatures and as I age I get closer and closer to ending all meat consumption. I consume very little these days and it would not be a large jump to stop completely.
Cows are intelligent, curious, and they have a sense of humor, a desire to play. They have friends, enemies, and .. well, everything, really. They have different capabilities because their brains and bodies are different than ours, but they're every bit as legitimate of a life form as ourselves, and every bit as conscious and self-aware.
Real simple stuff. Luring a cow over near a bank and then pushing her down it. Pretending there's some lush grass in the gap between trees. Nudging each other into the electric fence, or into the gatepost when going through a gate.
big, curious dogs, sorta like cats. they want to know what you're doing when they see you and they want to smell everything you're doing and they want to play all the damn time.
I did IT work on a farm for a few weeks and was there 3-5 days a week. The cows were far more active than any other animal I saw. They clearly liked each other and had friends and non-friends in the group. They would run and walk dozens and dozens of miles per day and a horse would move 1/4 mile in total over the course of an entire day.