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The Life of Joshua Wright, Google's Secret Weapon (wsj.com)
6 points by voisin 3 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 1 comment

This piece, about a Lawyer with a Ph.D in economics who bounced back and forth between (and often working at the same time) for the Government directly, as a professor at the Antonin Scalia School of Law at George Mason University, and as a private practice lawyer while simultaneously harassing women who are his students into having affairs with him and then getting them jobs in one of the many places he works so they will be quiet (and he can continue to threaten their livelihood) is bad for one's blood pressure.

His house of cards ends up collapsing because he gets one of the women a fellowship at a different university, that was supposed to be paid by Meta and Google (who used Wright as a lawyer to ward off Government anti-trust challenges) and the money never actually got to her- apparently because of an administrative mistake at the tech giants. So after months of her not getting any money she files a Title IX complaint with his university and the end result is he loses all of his jobs, all but one of his mistresses (he is apparently engaged to one of them!), and his wife.

Just a real piece of excrement all the way around.

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