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I love DSHR's classic email of October 18, 1990 about his experience actually trying to USE the Sun Desktop Environment instead of merely showing off wizzy demos, which "somebody" leaked (blink blink sheepish grin) a long time ago. I wish I could flame as evocatively as he did in the PostScript of his email. It still perfectly applies today to so many applications and websites.


  From: dshr@Eng (David Rosenthal)
  Newsgroups: sun.open-windows
  Subject: Re: Deskset environment
  Date: 18 Oct 90 17:02:39 GMT
[... timeless points about software and ui design omitted -- see the link! ...]

PS - I notice that someone filed a bug today pointing out that even your example of dropping a mail message on CM doesn't work if CM is closed. That's a symptom of the kind of arrogance that all the deskset tools seem to show - they're so whizzy and important that they deserve acres of screen real estate.

Why can't they just shut up and do their job efficiently and inconspicuously? Why do they have to shove their bells and whistles in my face all the time? They're like 50's American cars - huge and covered with fins. What I want is more like a BMW, small, efficient, elegant and understated.

Your focus on the whizzy demos may look great at trade shows, but who wants to have their tools screaming at them for attention all the time? It's like having a Roy Lichtenstein painting on your bedroom wall.

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